Our Beginnings

an introduction to ywca o'ahu, patsy mink and mcbl

Established through the efforts of YWCA O‘ahu, the U.S. Small Business Administration, and community partners, the Patsy T. Mink Center for Business & Leadership (MCBL) equips entrepreneurs to become successful business owners and leaders by providing one-on-one business counseling, innovative workshops, and unique, specialized programs in a nurturing environment.

With the endorsement from her family and daughter, Wendy Mink, MCBL is named in honor of Patsy T. Mink. She advocated for issues, programs, and projects that advanced the well-being and status of women of all ages and in all walks of life. Congresswoman Mink’s pioneering helped thousands of women participate in activities and professions that they had not previously accessed.

everyone told her no, so she rewrote the rules

Here is an excerpt from the film, Patsy Mink: Ahead of the Majority.

 “Simultaneously a woman of the people and a pioneer, a patriot and an outcast, her story proves endlessly intriguing, and one that embodies the history, ideals and spirit of America.” (Making Waves Films)

Patsy T. Mink Center for Business & Leadership Grand Reopening & Client Showcase, March 7, 2017 


Grand Reopening & Client Showcase, March 7, 2017