If you and your staff are using your personal smartphones or computers for work, be sure to join us for our upcoming webinar on EDiscovery and COVID19.
The pandemic changed work culture overnight, moving from office-based to remote working. Many companies quickly installed team-work software and relied on the use of personal smartphones and computers. In the rush to keep business flowing, security and privacy risks increased exponentially. Every staff members’ click, like and keystroke is potentially subject to ediscovery in litigation without the protection of a “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) policy in place.
Please click here to register. (https://bit.ly/ediscoveryCOVID19)
EDiscovery & COVID19: Using Personal Smartphones or Computers While Working Remotely Webinar
Date: Wednesday, August 25
Time: 9:30am - 11:00am
Online via Zoom
Topics Covered:
The risks and benefits of the use of personal smartphones or computers in today’s work environment.
What is a Bring Your Own Device Policy?
Trends in the workplace
Financial exposure without a policy
Benefits of a policy
What is included in a policy?
Monitoring practices
What is a Mobile Device Management policy and when does a business owner need one?
Case Studies—What can and is likely to go wrong without a BYOD or MDM policy?
Next Steps
Presented by Stephanie E. W. Thompson, Esq. (Director, Starn O’Toole Marcus & Fisher LC)
Advanced registration is required. Limited seats available.
The discussion and information presented in this seminar are general in nature and offered for informational purposes only. Nothing herein is intended to, nor shall it, constitute legal advice. Attendees should consult with their own attorney if they are seeking or are in need of legal advice. Depending upon the facts, circumstances, and situation, provisions or exceptions found in the law and any governing instruments, different from those discussed in this presentation, may apply. Attendance/participation in this workshop does not establish attorney-client privilege with Starn O’Toole Marcus & Fisher Law Corporation, or its attorneys. Please do not forward communications to Ms. Thompson unless a written engagement with the firm is agreed upon and executed. Recording of this webinar is prohibited.